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Henry R, CA

"I feel like I just saved about 3 hours of mixing with this. Really simple to install and my vocals sound much more polished!"

Morgan J, LA

"Exactly what I needed! Really didn't want to buy any 3rd party plugins. Excited to use on new projects 👀"

Matt S, NYC

"I've been struggling with my vocals for a while, this preset just saved my life lol. 🔥 Thanks so much!"

Struggling to achieve that polished, professional vocal sound you hear on Spotify and radio hits? You're not alone. Many artists and producers find themselves lost in the complex world of audio editing, unable to make their vocal tracks shine. But what if there was a shortcut to the sound you're dreaming of — without the need to become a mixing master overnight?


Introducing the Ultimate Pop Vocal Chain Plugin for Logic Pro X Users

Designed specifically for music producers who are new to the scene or anyone who's faced the frustration of subpar vocal quality despite countless attempts, this plugin chain is your one-stop solution. Leveraging the power of Logic Pro X's built-in plugins, we've meticulously crafted a vocal processing chain that guarantees to elevate your tracks to professional standards with ease.


What's Included?

  • Perfectly Set EQs: Say goodbye to muddy mixes and hello to clarity. Our EQ settings are tailored to enhance vocal tracks, ensuring your vocals cut through the mix with precision.
  • Optimal Compression Settings: Achieve the perfect balance. Our compression settings are designed to give your vocals the right amount of punch and dynamic consistency, making them stand out while maintaining naturalness.
  • Strategically Organized Plugins: The order matters. We've arranged the plugins in a sequence that optimizes their collective impact, offering you a streamlined workflow that delivers results.


Why Choose Our Pop Vocal Chain Plugin?

  • Simplicity Meets Efficacy: You don't need to be a seasoned audio engineer to produce high-quality vocal tracks. Our plugin simplifies the process, allowing you to focus on creativity rather than technicalities.
  • Crafted for Logic Pro X: Fully integrated with Logic Pro X's native plugins. No additional purchases of thirs party plugins required.
  • Instant Professional Sound: Implementing years of audio engineering expertise, the vocal chain ensures your recordings resonate with clarity, warmth, and presence, rivaling studio-produced vocals.
  • Save Time and Effort: Forget about endless tweaking and uncertainty. Our plugin delivers industry-standard vocal quality with just a few clicks.


Whether you're producing pop, R&B, or any genre in between, achieving the vocal quality of your favorite hits has never been more accessible.


Logic Pro X - The Ultimate Alt Pop Vocal Preset

£34.99 Regular Price
£26.24Sale Price

What Version of Logic Do I Need?

  • Compatibility: Requires Logic Pro X version 10.4.8 or higher.

Will This Plugin Make Me the Next Billie Eilish, Dua Lipa, or Ed Sheeran?

  • The plugin can not improve your singing skills (sadly), but it will elevate your vocal production to the level of top artists, ensuring your vocals shine in the mix.

How Do I Install It?

  • Easy Installation: A step-by-step guide is included, making installation as simple as dragging and dropping files into specific folders.

What if I Hate the Product?

  • Refunds and Support: Refunds and support are available should the plugin not meet your expectations. Contact for assistance.
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